The Use of Access Bank Halted

Hello Traders:
We have halted the use of Access Bank for our business, and this is a
permanent decision.
Please contact us anytime you want to do transaction with us.
Use any means below to contact us. Only the means below: if you’re chatting or
communicating with anybody, using another email, phone number or Instant Messaging
IDs other than the ones displayed below, you’re dealing with a 419 scammer and
you’ll be responsible for any loss of your funds.
Our contact details are below:
Our service is 24/7 (weekends included, as you know).
Skype ID: ituglobal
Telegram: @ItuGlobal
WhatsApp ONLY: +234
Phone numbers: +234
(0)9085623559, +234 (0)9082596177
PAYEER Department:
+2349082596177 (for PAYEER, AdvCash and SKRILL customers only)
To fund and withdraw
with Neteller, please visit:
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